Learn By Example: Strategyzer Essential Video Cases To Help You With Business Model Innovation

Strategyzer video cases have helped thousands of viewers understand business model and value proposition design through real-life company examples. They’re also a great way to review what it has been said during the previous Noé Programs on using the Business Model & Value Proposition canvas to communicate strategic thinking. These videos are about more than our tools, they’re about visualizing stories to clarify and simplify strategic conversations. 

“We believe that visual thinking and learning is an important way to communicate strategic business ideas. Our video case posts, produced by Strategyzer team member Nabila Amarsy, have been a helpful way for our audience to:

  • Be informed about important business successes and failures in the world of strategy and innovation.
  • Learn about the design of business models and value propositions in an engaging format.
  • Learn key strategy and innovation lessons to succeed in your own organization.
  • Develop visual learning and communication techniques that can be used in your organization, too.
  • Brush up on Canvas mapping techniques like colour-coding and storytelling.”

Click here to discover the videos!

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